What is Grain-Free/Paleo and why might it be what your body needs?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Grain free” by now. Most people have heard of it, but many are not quite sure what it is. I’m here to tell you all about Grain-Free or the Paleo Diet and why it is hands-down the ultimate way to eat and to live if you are suffering chronic digestive issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Leaky Gut, or autoimmune conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis. This diet may not be for everyone as some of us can tolerate grains well, however, I must say that I know that we can all benefit from a diet with minimal gluten and grains.
You may or may not know what any of the above conditions means but I can tell you that many of us suffer from some kind of gut condition that we may be unaware of. The gut has a huge connection to the brain, immune system as well as the endocrine system. We often feel unwell and experience various symptoms such as:-
Food Sensitivities
Skin rashes
Brain Fog
Hormonal Imbalances
Irregular Periods
Muscle/Joint pain
Chronic Sinusitis
Just to name a few.
There was no lie when Hippocrates said "All disease begins in the gut". We are all living to see these words come to pass with the emerging scientific evidence over the past 10 years in the medical and functional medicine society.
But let's get back to the topic at hand...
Picture yourself as a cavewoman millions of years ago. There was no such thing as cooking, let alone electricity to do it. So what would you eat? The answer is: anything that you can find.
Cavemen and women ate anything they could find in an effort to survive: fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and greens made up the majority of their diet. Eating certainly wasn’t a hobby such as what it has been made into today, but a means for survival – a means to nourish the body and thank it for all it does. You’re probably thinking – That’s a great history lesson you’re teaching, but what does that have to do with me? My answer is: It has a lot to do with you, especially if you’re looking for a way to have a better quality of life, lose excess weight and or balance your hormones and gut issues to feel alive and vibrant.
You can do a Google search for Grain-Free studies in your spare time and learn about the massive effects a Grain-Free lifestyle has on a person’s health, but I’ll give you the rundown:
it kills depression, slows down, or prevent diseases and autoimmune disorders, gives you a boatload of natural energy, and provides your body with every nutrient it needs. And that’s not even all. As a matter of fact, Grain-Free is so popular these days that millions of people follow it as a lifestyle, including Hollywood stars Jessica Biel and Megan Fox.
But why?
Before I get into the benefits, let’s state the hard, cold reality of Grain-Free – there are NO grains allowed, NO refined sugars allowed, NO highly-processed foods allowed and for the most part, NO dairy allowed. Wait, what did she just say?
(wanna know something about me?? I absolutely love Kevin Harte and was so happy to find his GIF)
Yep, you heard it right. Your favorite grains – cereal, rice, oatmeal, crackers, bread, pasta, etc., etc. – aren’t typically in a Grain-Free lifestyle, and there’s a very good reason for it. Neither are your sugary treats, deli meats or yogurt. Before you ditch this article altogether and tell yourself there’s no way you can do that, listen up. Trust me, your health is in jeopardy if you don’t.
How Glucose Harms the Body
Refined grains contain glucose that when consumed, tend to result in surges in blood sugar, or glucose shortly after eating. This generally results in energy crashes, and over time can lead to insulin resistance, obesity, and chronic inflammation. You can see this example in action by just looking around you at the obesity epidemic.
The second way we consume glucose is pretty much straight-up. In coffee, sweets, baked pastries, etc. We all know that too much sugar is not good for our health, it suppresses our immune system, irritates the lining of our gut, and causes a build-up of mucus and allergies. And to be honest, let's face it the majority of us are suffering from sinusitis all of the time.
Lectins, Glutens...Oh, My! The second thing we should discuss are the two other things found in grains that also put our health in jeopardy. These are called lectins and glutens, which pose a serious risk to our bodies. Gluten is a protein that an overwhelming majority of people are sensitive to and leads to a solid number of diseases and disorders. I’m sure your eyes and ears have been inundated with the term “gluten-free”, and that’s exactly what we’re talking about.
What about Dairy?
I know you’re probably wondering what’s so bad about dairy. As part of a Grain-Free lifestyle, you likely wouldn’t be consuming dairy (many don’t). But don’t worry, dairy isn’t as important as the dairy industry makes it out to be. Well at least not the pasteurized milk that stays on the shelf in a box or can for months on end. Can you drink it? Yes, you can, although many people have an extreme sensitivity to dairy and it causes health problems for many. Do you have to have it to be healthy and is it considered in the Grain-Free diet? No on both accounts.
I do want to mention raw milk and how some Grain-Free experts suggest it is a benefit to a Grain-Free diet. Raw dairy contains the enzymes needed to digest it, while pasteurized dairy does not. Therefore, some people that are sensitive to pasteurized dairy and whose body does not contain the enzyme, lactase, to help digest it, may do better on raw milk – if that’s what they choose. I personally do well with Raw Milk but I don't with pasteurized milk. I love raw milk dearly but I don't use too much of it. I grew up in the country with my parents had we lots of cows, sheep, pigs, and vegetation, in this regard we regularly milked the cows and drank the milk. As an adult, this is one of the childhood memories that I crave to relive, and I do so in bliss.
What Can I Eat? Here is a basic list of what you should and shouldn’t be eating in your Grain-Free diet.
Grass-produced meats
Fresh fruits and veggies
Nuts and seeds
Healthful oils (Olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut)
Cereal grains
Legumes (including peanuts)
Refined sugar
Processed foods
Refined vegetable oils
What’s Important to You?
By going grain-free and only consuming natural foods, you’re preventing all of these toxins from entering your body, thereby boosting your health immediately, draining your body of toxins and boosting your immune system so that illness and disease stands no chance against your body!
Final Verdict.
Going Grain-Free is a personal choice that only you can make. But before you eat that next French fry or chug down that soda, be mindful of what it’s doing to your body – creating a perfect environment for disease to enter and thrive.
For tips and tricks that will help you kick grains to the curb for good, visit my blog post here: